LTE M nb-iot 5G GSM- GPS Kontrol 

elektronikudvikling LTE cat m1 nb-iot production sigfox loRaWan lte cat m1 iot solutions Fleetmanagement - flådestyring customized development  LTE Cat M1, NB1, M-Bus, IP68, LTE Cat M1, NB1, M-Bus, IP68, FOTA, RS232, RS485,  EN12830 multi I/O, relay, m2m, NB-IOT terminal. DIN-Rail, Sealed LID, Pulse, Battery Operated. Mobile Modems and Routers. Industrial IoT Solutions. Lora LoRAWAN lte cat m1 iot solutions Fleetmanagement - flådestyring customized development  LTE Cat M1, NB1, M-Bus, IP68, LTE Cat M1, NB1, M-Bus, IP68, FOTA, RS232, RS485,  EN12830 multi I/O, relay, m2m, NB-IOT terminal. DIN-Rail, Sealed LID, Pulse, Battery Operated. Mobile Modems and Routers. Industrial IoT Solutions.

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Custom-made  skræddersyet  kundeilpasset  Flådestyring
          GSM Lte cat M ioT  elektronik udvikling & EMS produktion ...

WedeCon Design tilbyder effektiv elektronik prototype udvikling og elektronik produkt udvikling samt EMS produktion bl.a til til virksomheder og iværksættere over hele landet.
Vores kompetencer ligger i produktmodning, design og elektronikudvikling samt 
EMS produktion af din ide eller produkt.
Startende med ide fasen inklusive EMS masse produktionen af jeres produkt.

Kaffen er Klar:
Kontakt os gerne,  for at arrangere
et kaffe-møde på vores splinter-nye kontor i Taulov ved Fredericia,  evt. for at snakke om jeres næste elektronik udviklings projekt eller EMS produktion,
hvor vi helt bestemt kan hjælpe .....

  mere information på      eller mød os på
EOT Electronics of Tomorrow 2025   og   Odense Elektronik messe E26- 2026
 Elektronikudvikling gsm RED 2014/53/EU Certificate Skræddersyet GSM module

Kundetilpasset- Customized GSM 4G LTE M - nb ioT- LoRaWAN - LoRa-  Module with GPS
RED 2014/53/EU Certificate

Kundetilpasset-  Elektronik Udvikling- EMS Produktion- Customized Lte cat m1 GSM Module with GPS
RED 2014/53/EU Certificate -  Container tracking- LoRa - LoRaWAN
Kundetilpasset- Customized Lte cat m1 GSM elektronik udvikling GSM Bluetooth RED 2014/53/EU Certificate Kundetilpasset- Elektronik Udvikling-Produktion- Customized Lte cat m1 GSM Module with GPS

Customized LTE 4G - 3G - 2.4G High Gain Antenna ( 806-960 /1710-2700MHz )we-ANT-9978
Customized   LTE  GPRS - 4G - 3G - 2.4G High Gain Antenna                ( 806-960 /1710-2700MHz ) - NB-ioT
 25Dbi Gain - with mounting wall bracket
Product code :  we-ANT-9978
GSM antenna antenne elektronikudvikling
wifi_antenne antenna elektronikudvikling

WedeCon Design tilbyder

WiFi – 4G 5G lte GSM and GPS – Bluetooth Beacon

Get your electronics products wireless enabled on
WiFi – 3G GSM or Bluetooth - lte nb-iOT - LoRaWAN Gateway.
Also APP controlled by an IOS app and  Andriod app.

Skræddersyet CJMCU modul udvikling

Contact WedeCon Design for your Wireless customization.
EMS Elektronikproduktion Elektronikmontage Kina- Danmark prototypemontage tilbydes

Kundetilpasset 4G 5G nb-ioT
 GSM - 4 bånds antenne

Quad Band GSM Antenna antenne
 Effective  - 3dbi Gain

Min. quantity: 50 pcs
  - (SMA MALE)
Product code :  GSMANT003DB
Wifi- Bluetooth antenne
Wifi - Bluetooth Antenna antenne Effective - 5dbi Gain

Min. quantity: 50 pcs
Product code :  WIFIANT005DB

Fjernbetjening - Remote Control - HCS301 -433Mhz BLUECHIMNEY

Fjernbetjening WKY8870 Customized Kundetilpasset Zigbee module for BlueChimney. BlueChimney REMOTE  Draftoptimizer Elektronik EOT RED 2014/53/EU Herning Rolling Code HCS301 433.92Mhz Remote elektronikudvikling

Relay Relæ WKY8870 Land Rover WKY8870 GSM GPS IPCU PCU relay box elektronikudvikling GSM Control WKY8870 D3/RRS Easy IPCU  WKY8870#02
Kundetilpasset - Customized
Fjernbetjening - Remote Control -
Rolling Code HCS301 433.92Mhz
Garage Carport control - 12v battery
Customized Symbols possible
Min. quantity: 10 to 50 pcs
Product code :  WEK1000
Kundetilpasset - Customized
Fjernbetjening - Remote Control
for BlueChimney and other system.
433.92Mhz & Bluetooth -  Zigbee control.
Remote White - Any Colour possible.
Customized Botton Symbols.
CE & RoHs
RED 2014/53/EU Certificate
Standard Coin Cell Battery
Min. quantity: 10 to 50 pcs
Product code :  WEK1105
WKY8870 - ZIGBEE -BlueChimney
Customized Kundetilpasset Zigbee module
for BlueChimney... more at

Automotive Relæ boks easy IPCU - Relay module IPCU
GSM GPS IPCU Remote Relay Control Module.
Variable heater control for Landrover-
Also with variable active low and active high relay enable function.
Customized relay trigging polarity - Remote Black -
Back-up Battery
Min. quantity:   contact WedeCon for details-
Product code WKY8870
GSM SHOP Trådløs 0-10V Draftoptimizer  elektronikudvikling elektronikmontage Skræddersyet CJMCU modul udvikling
Bluechimney WKY8870 - ZIGBEE draftoptimizer fjernbetjening remote kontrol
 kundetilpasset udvikling
 sælges kun pr. 100stk ....2500 stk på lager
 se mere på
d3 rss ipcu elektronikudvikling
Kundetilpasset Customized
Wireless or on Cable.
 0-10V Module variable Control  - possible 433.92Mhz.
Customization -  Skræddersyet elektronikudvikling
Any Colour possible
CE / RED 2014/53/EU Certificate
Min. quantity: 50 pcs
Product code :  WEK1201E
 DC power 2.1mm kabel stik GSM udvikling elektronik
Kundetilpasset Customized
DC power konnektor kabel 5.5mm x 2.1mm   Min. quantity: 100 pcs
Product code :  WEP1001P

 . Kundetilpassset WiFi - lte GSM dataopsamlings modul .
Cloud aflæsning løsning mulig...
Temperatur - Fugtighed - Flow måling - Pulse måling - Maskinstyring

Elektronikudvikling 3G GSM Maskinstyring dataopsamling WiFi
HX711 IC Scale elektronikudvikling HX 711
Automotive 6 Channel Temperature  RS232- RS485- CANbus BodyCamera danmark DK elektronikudvikling GPS
Kundetilpasset Customized
HX711 Weight Scale IC - Weighing Scale IC HX711
Also customized kundetilpasset module development
Min. quantity: 50 pcs HX711 ic
Product code :  WEP1010WS  - Danmark
Kundetilpasset Customized
Automotive 6 Channel Temperature
 sensor- RS232- RS485- CANbus.
Customization -  Skræddersyet elektronikudvikling.
CE / RED 2014/53/EU Certificate.
Min. quantity: 50 pcs.
Product code :  WEK13053E
  Kundetilpasset Customized
Security Body Camera - Krops Kamera. - 10 Hours recording.
 USB interface - LCD Screen - Wi-Fi / GPS Possible
Min. quantity: 10 to 50 pcs
Product code :  WECAM100T
Mosfet TO-92 P-channel TO92 T0-92 Danmark DK
elektronikudvikling elektronik udvikling Skræddersyet CJMCU modul udvikling

Skrædersyet CJMCU modul elektronikudvikling
Body Camera Danmark butik
Mosfet TO-92 P-channel TO92 T0-92 Danmark DK.  Pchannel 60V - 500mA - 12ohm -
Min. quantity: 10 to 50 pcs
Product code :  WEFET60YU
Magnet Neodymium magnets pris Danmark DK
Customized Magnet Neodymium magnets - N50  - 10mm Diameter - 5mm Thick - Min quantity 2 pcs
 Kundetilpasset Customized
Security Body Camera - Krops Kamera. - 8 Hours recording.
 USB interface -  - Wi-Fi / GPS Possible
Kundetilpasset Customized logo and Color
Min. quantity: 10 to 50 pcs
Product code :  WECAM120T
   elektronikudvikling GSM Control produktmodning
         WIFI dataopsamling - WiFi data collection Elektronik Customized Wireless IoT Industrial Wi-Fi Data Acquisition Modules - Cloud WiFi – Data collection systems

  Kundetilpasset WIFI dataopsamling Modul  - WiFi data collection  WIFI Customized Wireless IoT Industrial Wi-Fi Data Acquisition Modules - Cloud WiFi – Data collection systems

 Industrial GSM Data Acquisition Modules- Cloud GSM – Data collection systems

Customized Wireless IoT Industrial Wi-Fi Data Acquisition Modules - Gateway Cloud WiFi – Data collection systems

Customized Wireless IoT Industrial Wi-Fi Data Acquisition Modules - Cloud WiFi – Data collection systems - Kundetilpasset Wi-Fi dataopsamling over cloud...Elektronikudvikling -  Pulse inputs and 4-20mA sensor inputs

we-ANT-904 BD BlueGateway BeaconGateway Bluetooth we-ANT-904 BD
Very High Gain - 42dB-,  All band sattelitte,  Active GPS,
GNSS World Antenna,  Active GPS Antenna.
Weatherproof Outdoor-  Magnet mounting
Product code :  we-ANT-904     we-ANT-904 BD

we-ANT-754 Bluetooth Antenna , Wi-Fi Antenna , Sigbee Antenna.
Very High Gain , 2.4Ghz BlueGateWay ,

Bluetooth Gateway
 Bluetooth Antenna , Wi-Fi Antenna , Sigbee Antenna
Weatherproof Outdoor - Magnet mounting- (SMA MALE)
Product code :  we-ANT-754
we-ANT-995 Very High Gain Wideband NB-Iot  GSM GPRS LTE 4G, 2G, 3G, Antenna 698-2700Mhz Antenna, Weatherproof Outdoor
Very High Gain Wideband NB-Iot 
GSM GPRS LTE 4G, 2G, 3G, Antenna 698-2700Mhz Antenna,
Weatherproof Outdoor
Magnet mounting - (SMA MALE)
Product code :  we-ANT-995

Customized IoT Gateway.IbeaconGateway Bluetooth Sensor Zigbee Mesh LTE M  GSM WiFi NB-Iot
Customized IoT Gateway ... IbeaconGateway
Bluetooth Sensor Zigbee Mesh  LTE M  GSM WiFi NB-Iot

Product code :  Wuga788

     Faktum : GSM 2G netværket lukker 2024 / starten af 2025 ...

     Faktum : GSM 3G netværket er allerede lukket .

     WedeCon Design kan tilbyde den helt perfekte 4G LTE overgangs R&D udviklings løsning til dit GSM 2G ioT produkt , som også vil blive den permanente løsning for både 4G og 5G , samt EMS elektronikproduktion

   ioT  Electronics product Development ......

4G  og 5G lte cat M1 nb-ioT -
New plug-in module from WedeCon Design introduced and in volume production ...
with GSM 2G fallback - GPS- GNSS - eSim- nb2. 
 Customized R&D version possible....
EMS Production possible ;

  Komtakt os for mere information  :
LTE-M elektronik udvikling LoRa GSM elektronikudvikling NFC wedecon
 we4GLTE701 4G LTE iot flex antenna ...700-2700Mhz
we4GLTE701  4G LTE iot flex antenna ...700-2700Mhz
  Adhesive mounting
    Sælges pr 100stk - Produkt code
we4GLTE701  4G LTE iot flex antenna ...700-2700Mhz

weDISP552#03  weDISP552
wePULS882#03  wePULS882
Elektronikudvikling Elektronik udvikling WedeCon Design
   Kontakt for mere og modul indkøb

TANK weDISP552#03  wePULS882#03 KM CONNEX KM TELECOM  elektronikudvikling elektronik udvikling wedecon Design weDISP552#03  weDISP552 wePULS882#03  wePULS882


Dansk kontor og Udvikling :
få  mere information på

  WedeCon Design
  Egevænget 7 - Taulov
  DK-7000 Fredericia.

  Danmark - Denmark
  GSM Mobile :  +45 - 22 85 30 35 ..

  SkypeID :   ( 8-17 kontakt)

  Chinese Wechat : Wedecon
  Email :

WedeCon Design Request for Meeting & Contact

CVR / SE  Taxnumber  :  DK-31715490    

Chinese Office representive :
 Bao An District, Shenzhen, China

Contact WedeCon c22 

     i o t s o l u i o n s      i o t s o l u i o n s      i o t s o l u i o n s
Wedecon Design Facebook

WedeCon Design Linkedin

**  BluetoothGateway to Lte M nb-ioT - BLE GateWay
** GSM lte Control Modules R&D
** BT BLE Tracking Beacon Development
** Fleetmanagement Telematics solution Developments
**  Lte M ioT solutions R&D Customized
åå  Bluetooth BlueBeacon References  åå
         Customized co2 ioT Gateway
   Company information
      Mød WedeCon på EOT 2025 og Elektronik Messen Odense 2026

Projekt-siden  :  Projects.

Releated  project Pages :
1)      Bluetooth Module BTLE R&D  Development

2)      Zigbee 
Module  R&D  Development

3)      Automotive Lte Telematics  Module R&D  Development

4)      Wireless  Control  Module  R&D  Development

5)       Two Way Radio System Accessories Development

6)         Lte M  IoT Solutions SigFox LoraWan  NB-IoT

7)        Bluetooth Gateway Solutions

8)        Beacon Gateway BeaconGateway SensorGateway